Sunday, 26 July 2009

End of the recession

Apparently the end of the recession is at least five years away, only then will we have returned to the financial situation of early 2008! Just think five years before we are back to a reliance on credit which we can't repay. Five years before the greed of the city institutions is restored. Five years before our elected representatives have stopped worrying about us and gone back to the expenses gravy train. Five years before we stop listening to the people saying it is good to slow down our consumption, good for the planet, good for our health, good for our society.

Wouldn't it be nice to think we could say ENOUGH. We don't want to return to the cycle of boom and bust, endless and pointless celebrity, corporate social irresponsibility, pollution and profligate use of limited resources.

Maybe now is the time to say enough, I don't want to be part of that culture, that society. Maybe it is time to look again at the inconvenient truth, the 11th hour, the teachings of any of the world's great traditions. Time to think about peace, caring, each other rather than corporations and profits. Time to remember that actions have consequences, that maybe the recession can have positive consequences, helping us change for the better. But only if enough of us say ENOUGH. Only if we are engaged, are living for the sake of all beings, human or otherwise, and for the sake of the world we are part of.

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